Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Four Week Update

February 3rd – February 9th

It is difficult to think of the intensive care nursery as being home for our son for three months, but it’s comforting to know that we have already made it through one month. We have come to appreciate the incredible nature of modern medicine and well-trained doctors, but the most amazing part of it all is how strong and resilient even the smallest child can be.

This was quite possibly Dylan’s best week so far as the doctors continued to cut back on his medications for blood pressure and have been able to turn down the pressure and oxygen levels on his breathing mask. He did have another blood transfusion last night, but we hope this is the last one he needs.

Most importantly, we have been able to hold Dylan for about an hour every day. It is almost like there is nothing else going on around when Dylan is in our arms.

It is amazing to see his progress, from increasing his feedings from 1ml to 18ml every 3 hours, and just today to cutting back the now unnecessary intravenous nutrition. The doctors are even talking about taking off the oxygen mask as early as next week.

However, the real confirmation was when the doctors told us that Dylan has a greater than 90 percent chance of survival (from less than a 75 percent chance at birth). Those with a glass half empty mindset may dwell on the fact that there is still a 10 percent chance of him being taken from us, but we are overwhelmed with joy, that he has come this far and optimistic about bringing him home in April.

Today is Dylan’s 1 month birthday and, although it may not sound like much, we are happy to say that he is now 2 pounds 9 ounces!


  1. Hi Brandi, Hi Gary!

    You don't know me at all, but I've heard your story from Kathy Kang, which I'm also friends with. I hope I don't seem intruding to you, but I wanted to share my story with you so you could relate to someone who has been in your shoes.

    My husband and I have 16 month old twins, Liliana & Giuliana. They were born 12 weeks early (I was 27/7 wks) and they were in the NICU for 2 and 2.5 months. As you've been experiencing for the 1st month, you already know that this is a day by day situation and it's hard to handle. But I'd like you to know that it's always good to keep hopes up! Our girls were born at 1.11 oz and 2.9oz and even though they are still petite they are doing perfectly well right now! We always kept our hopes up, lots of prayers (doctors can only do so much and the rest is in the hands of God). All the positive energy that you have will be transmitted to baby Dylan, so every time you do kangaroo care, it's essential that he feels a positive vibe (I think that helped my girls, honestly!). You'll notice that the songs you sing to him right now, he will recognize later on and he'll be happy to hear it from you! All that is really important!

    I don't want to sound like a preacher, but I wanted to let you know I will be praying for Dylan and your family. I know what you are going through and I want to help you in some way. Please feel free to email me with any questions...I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Just remember to stay positive and give little Dylan all the energy to fight for his life.

    I'll stay posted through the blog. May God bless Dylan and your family! ANIMOS!

    Leyla & Jon Lara

  2. I love reading such a positive update! I can't wait to hear about the day he comes home with you! Always thinking of you! Shannon & Cameron
