Monday, February 2, 2009

Dylan's 3 Week Update

January 31th-February 2nd

On January 30, 2009, Dylan Thomas Klintworth turned 3 weeks old and at a meager 1 lb 12 ounces, we watched as they put him in the ambulance to transport him from Children’s Hospital to John Muir.

When he arrived at John Muir, we immediately thanked God that he was back in Walnut Creek as the doctor exclaimed, “Dylan loved the ride in the ambulance and did very well. He is one of those babies that you could probably put on the washing machine and he would immediately go to sleep.”

Dylan immediately settled into the environment as the nurses kept the lights dim and tucked him in tightly to his quiet isolette. He must have gotten a bit too comfortable as his blood pressure dropped significantly to the point where the doctors were a bit worried about him. However they reacted quickly to get him the medication he needed to bring his blood pressure up in a relatively short period of time and ensure that his kidneys continued to work appropriately.

Uneventful days are the best possible days at the ICU for Dylan. This is exactly what Saturday, Sunday and Monday brought as Mom and Dad relished the time with him in the ICU while he was stable and seemed to be doing better daily.

However, the most amazing part of this is the fact that both Mom and Dad were able to spend time holding him. There are many times during our lives where we have enjoyed time bonding, but this was the ultimate. It was a time where Dad was overjoyed to be able to say that he had a family of 4 and was more than timely therapy for Mom. Some of the littlest things these days seem to be significant in our lives.

As of today, Dylan is 2lbs 1 ounce and doing very well in the ICU, but things are changing each minute of the day (We hope for the better!!). I am sure that he is very excited to have a visit this week from Aunt Janelle and Grammy.

Thanks to all of you that have been praying for Dylan and have been a constant support to us through the past three weeks (Food, Babysitting and Wishes). We would not have been able to get to this point without all of you!!!

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